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MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® Evaluations is officially hosting its first Community Advisory Board (CAB) focus group at Black Hat USA

If you’re an ATT&CK Evaluations user, we encourage that you apply for membership. If you’re going to Black Hat, please join us!

About ATT&CK Evaluations Community Advisory Board

Our commitment to innovation and consistency requires deeper interaction in a more structured format with the community we are looking to benefit. Our goal is to learn how we can make the data we present more accessible to the community at large.

Though there are guardrails we need to operate within to maintain objectivity, consistency, and substantive value, there are likely some improvements we can implement to give the community better access to our data. In true product management fashion, we’d like to gather those requirements from the folks who benefit from our offering: the infosec community.

If you are interested in joining our Community Advisory Board, please fill out this form.

Apply to Join the Community Advisory Board